Do you suffer from an autoimmune disorder? For many people suffering from autoimmune diseases, massage can help relieve their symptoms. Here is some helpful information about the benefits of massage to those suffering from autoimmune disorders.

What is an autoimmune disorder?

An autoimmune disorder is a complex condition affecting the immune system. While an intact immune system is necessary for good health, a malfunctioning immune system can cause damage to body tissues.

Autoimmune disorders are characterized by the destruction of normal tissue by the body’s immune system. The immune system protects the body by destroying harmful antigens in the environment, such as bacteria.

However, in a patient with an autoimmune disease, the immune system attacks healthy tissue in the body. This type of disease has no known cure. There are several treatments for autoimmune diseases, and some can even go into remission.

How can massage help autoimmune disorders?

Professional massage is beneficial to people suffering from autoimmune disorders in the following ways:

Help Drain the Lymphatic System

During a massage session, lymphatic drainage is increased. Increasing lymphatic drainage in the body helps the lymphatic system remove metabolic wastes. It also speeds up the removal of toxins from the body, which is beneficial for autoimmune patients. An SKP Massage can also help alleviate other symptoms associated with the disease.

Pain Alleviation

One of the primary benefits of massage is that it can help patients manage their pain. The intensity of pain varies between individuals and is difficult to control with conventional methods. Chronic pain caused by autoimmune diseases is challenging to treat, and even the most potent prescription medication may not provide relief.

Helps Boost Blood Circulation

When massage is done correctly, it helps in the circulation of blood. This is by stimulating nerve receptors. SKP Massage helps blood circulation. This enhances blood circulation throughout the body and allows more oxygen and nutrients to reach the muscles. Additionally, increased circulation is vital for the body as it promotes physical health.

What are the studies done to back up the claim?

Findings by the University of Miami School of Medicine on the topic of massage and autoimmune disorders indicate that massage on people suffering from autoimmune disorders helps relieve pain, tension, anxiety, sadness, blood pressure, and cortisol levels.

More findings published in journals in the Frontiers of Immunology on massage and autoimmune disorders indicate a high probability that manual therapies like massage and acupuncture could help improve lymphatic function in people with autoimmune illnesses.


While massage cannot cure an autoimmune disorder, it can ease their symptoms and provide a sense of calm and well-being. In addition to relieving physical pain, massage can also strengthen the immune system. The benefits of massage and autoimmune disorders are well worth giving a chance. Using a specialized massage technique for autoimmune patients can make a difference.

Exceptionally trained professionals can only carry out these specialized massage techniques. If you’d like to know more, you can contact SKP Massage! Our certified specialists will be more than happy to talk to you. Lastly, all you need to do is check out our website and book an appointment any day of the week, and we will take care of the rest.

You can find us through SKP Massage or follow us on Facebook!

SKP Massage