“How are you feeling today?”
SKP Massage LLC
July 2021
Edition I, Volume IV

Kinesio-Tex Taping
Kinesio® Tex Tape treatments can help with a variety of things, including reducing pain and inflammation, enhancing performance, preventing injury, boosting healthy circulation, and helping the body’s natural healing process. In the treatment of any clinical condition, evaluation and assessment are essential. A thorough examination of your patient is required to achieve the desired results from a Kinesio Tex Tape application, as well as any other treatment. In some circumstances, curing one ailment may necessitate the treatment of multiple underlying issues.
At SKP Massage you can add-on Kinesio-Tex Taping as an Ad-on for $10. Kinesio-Tex Tape is used to improve joint alignment by affecting the muscles and fascia and can reduce poor function of a joint by influencing opposing muscle groups and joint mobility. Taking the time to fit tape to a specific issue, on different positions of the body, KT Tape application can also be done with a half hour of specific muscle therapy for $45.
SKP Add-on Services
Ask us about the products we can offer you during your next visit. Unsure of the product and it’s use? Ask us any questions and we will be more than happy to provide you with all the information regarding our products. Check them out below!

As a way of enhancing a session for the desired effect, consider having your therapist add Essential Oil. Talk to your therapist
about the endless possibilities!!
$10 Add-on to Any Session
*Tax $0.73

Prossage and Biofreeze
Applied to one aspect of the body, utilization of moist heat and the Topical Prossage, allow for dilation of the tissues, to ease the sensation of achiness. Biofreeze is then applied to prolong the relief. Ideal for hot/cold therapy needs.
$15 Add-on to Swedish, General Therapy, Sports Massage, and some Medical Massage Sessions
*Tax $1.09

Sugar Foot Scrub
We use an all-natural sugar-based mixture (Abundance
Soaps) and moist heat to exfoliate your feet, and finish with
massaging foot balm into the tissue.
$20 Add-on to Relaxation or Foot Massage Sessions
*Tax $1.45
Muscle of the Month
Pronator Teres

Golfer’s Elbow Pt. 1
Golfer’s Elbow, also known in the medical world as medial epicondylitis primarily includes Pronator Teres and Flexor Carpi Radialis.
This month’s muscle is Pronator Teres. As it is a double headed muscle, it has two originating points. The first being on the humeral head, just above, or superiorly to the medial epicondyle of the humerus. The second head or ulnar head, originates at the medial side of the coronoid process of the ulna. Both of these heads meet at an acute angle and proceed down the arm to insert onto the radial bone. Innervated by the medial nerve, this muscle pronates or turns the forearm, so the hand faces posteriorly.
5 Benefits of Massage
Benefit #3 – Stress Relief
Stress is all too common in today’s fast-paced workplace, and it can have a severe impact on one’s health and well-being. Massage treatment has been proved to be a successful method of reducing stress on both a physical and psychological level. While massage therapists have firsthand experience with the stress relieving qualities of massage, science backs up our instincts.
There was a substantial drop in heart rate, systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure in a research on the efficacy of trigger point therapy. In controlled investigations, oxygen consumption, blood pressure, and salivary cortisol levels all decreased after a 10 to 15 minute chair massage.
Massage is more than just “relaxing” it can improve your health drastically.
To read more on these benefits visit:

Thank you!
For helping us reduce our paper product usage, by using a white washcloth to dry your hands. When done drying please place used washcloth in the pink cat hamper.

SKP Massage LLC

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